Water Efficiency Rating Score 
WERS® through BUILT GREEN® Programs
The BUILT GREEN® certification programs take a holistic approach that includes energy efficiency as a key focus and goes on to other critical aspects of sustainable building—including water conservation. Our builders are making green building choices that go beyond energy, and we provide ways to verify their great work and guide them through their sustainability goals.
Partnering with Green Builder® Coalition, we integrated the Water Efficiency Rating Score (WERS®) assessment tool into our single family program, as an optional compliance pathway to achieve points in section 6: Water Conservation. This is the first performance-based water rating to come to Canada.
While energy efficiency is now addressed by building code, other key areas of green building are increasingly on the radar of industry, government, and consumers. And with global water shortages, exacerbated by climate change, water conservation has become a critical sustainability goal.
This tool is another innovative option through our programs, as we continue to progress affordable, sustainable building practices; improve and highlight water conservation; provide ways to preserve natural resources; and offer builders another competitive advantage, enabling them to show leadership and pass-along the associated benefits to their customers: like water system education, improved home efficiency, reduced energy costs, and more.
About WERS®
Available through the BUILT GREEN® Single Family new construction and renovation programs, the Water Efficiency Rating Score (WERS®) assessment tool calculates indoor and outdoor water usage and is based on measurable parameters, with a scoring scale of zero to 100, zero being the most desirable.
Indoor water use considers plumbing fixtures of toilets, showers, lavatory and kitchen sinks, clothes washers, and structural waste; those who run the shower before getting hot water are familiar with structural waste: it refers to the amount of water wasted before usable hot water arrives at the furthest fixture.
Outdoor water fixtures are also included in the score, as well as reuse via rainwater, greywater, and blackwater catchment—and, if applicable, irrigation systems, permeable materials, and landscaping. Depending on the verified filtration methods for rainwater and greywater, they can be used to offset indoor water use. Additionally, any remaining unused rainwater, greywater and / or blackwater (if applicable) can be credited to potential outdoor use. Learn more.
WERS Can Help
Measure and improve your build’s water efficiency—and your homebuyer’s utility bills.
- Improve home efficiency: water & energy
- Homebuyers understand & reduce usage
- Verify performance to customers & the municipality you build within
- Show environmental leadership in water conservation
- Get ahead of the curve
WERS Verifiers
To use the WERS® assessment tool, builders work with a BUILT GREEN® WERS Verifier, who:
- Calculates indoor & outdoor water usage
- Guides builders & homeowners toward better water conservation practices
- Provides home water efficiency score (0 – 100) & certification label
Please contact Built Green for more information.
As a homeowner, what can I do to contribute to water conservation?